Monaro Folk Society - bush dance

wattle flowers

Welcoming the Wattle

The Monaro Folk Society is proud to present
‘Welcoming the Wattle’
on Sunday, 27 August 2023, 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Folkdance Hall, 114 Maitland St, Hackett

Call it a dance, ball, frolic, caper, or fling, Welcoming the Wattle will wave winter goodbye in great style and make people kick up their heels at the lively music played by Paverty, Canberra’s premier bush band.

Bob Buckley will teach and call the dances so no previous dance experience is needed.

Come and enjoy a lively afternoon of fun and varied dances celebrating the imminent arrival of Spring with old and new friends.

Please bring a plate of refreshments to share.

In line with the theme of the event, we will serve non-alcoholic yellow drinks,
but also tea and coffee.

Cost: General admission $25, Concessions $23, MFS, interstate dancers and Dance Delights $20, Students $10, free for under 18s (Tickets only at the door, cash only, no online ticket sale)
